How Long Do Lace Wigs Last?
How Long Do Lace Wigs Last?
Let's talk about how long can lace front wigs last! So usually when it comes to lace wigs, if the wig is made from 100% Virgin human hair that lace wig can last from a 1 year all the way up to 2-3 years in good condition. But to get a longevity out of that wig you must take care of the hair and you must maintain it.
What factors will affect your lace wigs’ cycle?
There are specific factors, including how the hair of the lace wig was manipulated that can have a major effect on the life span of the lace wig. So, for instance:
- Has the hair been dyed?
- Has the hair been straightened?
Do you constantly put heat on the hair? - Do you use drying products on the hair?
Do you use a lot of drying shampoos, or do you use high quality shampoos or conditioners on the hair? - Is the lace wig made out of Remy hair or is it premium virgin hair?
These factors can have a major impact on the life span of your lace wig!
Is the lace wig made out of Remy hair or premium virgin hair?
It is very important to know if the lace wig was made with Remy virgin hair or premium less processed pure virgin hair. A lace wig made out of Remy hair won't last as long as a lace wig made out of 100%
pure virgin hair. Technically Remy hair is considered virgin hair, but Remy hair is virgin hair that has been through a strenuous process. So usually, they hair is put in an acid bath and what happens is a lot of manufacturers will take hair usually from temples from India. They'll grab hair and bring it to a factory usually in China or even in Korea. Then to get enough bulk of the hair that they can sell they'll put it in an acid bath. The problem with that is once it's gone through that acid bath process the virgin hair is not Remy hair. And because it's been in that acid bath the cuticles have been lifted so if you get Remy hair compared to just 100% virgin hair the Remy hair won't last as long. Remy hair usually on lasts for about 3-4 months before the hair starts to feel really dry and starts to tangle bad.
Now if you get a lace wig made from 100% premium virgin hair, the has been through a less strenuous process compared to Remy hair. The hair has been through a steam process not an acid bath so less
harsh chemicals are being used. When hair is sent to a manufacturer the hair is usually naturally straight. So, to get certain curl patterns, like deep wave, loose wave or body wave the is curled using curlers or flexi rods and placed in a room where steam is used to set the curl. This type of process is not as harsh as an acid bath. The cuticles are intact a lot better, so therefore it is important to get a lace wig that was made out of 100% virgin hair. A lace wig that was made with hair that has been through a steam process can last from 1 year to 2-3 years.

Straight Hair in its Natural Color Has the Longest Longevity
Also, another thing to consider is if the hair is straight or has it been dyed as well. If you buy straight hair
That is in its natural brown color, that hair will last a lot longer. It's been processed less. now
Most likely when manufacturers get the human hair it will be in natural straight texture. So, they don't really have to process the hair the same way they do to get other textures. Let's say if you get a deep wave or a body wave lace front wig. This curl pattern has been set using flexi rods or curlers. With the hair being straight it doesn’t have to go through that process. Because of that the longevity of a straight lace wig will be long! Now you can still have a lace wig last a few years if it is a different texture, but a straight wig will have the chance of lasting longer if it is taken care of properly.
Now if you decide to get a lace wig made out of blonde 613 hair, this hair it has been dyed so it
has been through another process to get the hair that blonde color so that it will be easy to deposit any color you lie on top.
All these factors will determine how long your hair will last. So, consider these factors when purchasing a lace wig.

Maintain Your Lace Wig The Same Way You Maintain Your Natural Hair for Longevity
If you maintain the hair of your lace wig it can last for a year to three years. Now when I say " maintain”
there are two maintenance techniques you should consider:
How you wash the hair:
How you wash the hair is very important because you don't want to be so harsh when it comes to the washing process. Too many strands might come out and it and you want to also alleviate any tangles that might happen when you're washing the hair. If you brush it too rough or harsh afterwards more strands might come out and then the cuticles might just get frayed. So, when you wash the hair wash it as if you were washing your natural hair. Use shampoos that are very not drying. Detangle the hair before you wash the wig. Once you finish washing the lace wig use a conditioner. Rinse it out with cold water. A lot of people do not do this, but I highly recommend using a leave-in conditioner on your lace wig after rinsing out the conditioner. I always use a leave-in conditioner on all my lace wigs. I use the Cream of Nature Argan Oil Strength and Shine Leave-in Conditioner while the hair is damp. I recommend using this leave-in conditioner to lock in the moisture of the hair on your lace wig. When you lock in the moisture that will lead to less tangles. Less tangles will lead to longevity. You can enjoy wearing your lace wig at least a year before you decide to buy a whole new wig. -
How you store your lace wig:
Use a canvas wig head, a wig stand or plastic bag for storage!
Take in consideration of how you store your wigs or bundles after you finish wearing it or before you wear it. You want to either keep it on a canvas block wig head or you want to put it in a plastic bag. You can use a regular wig, or you can use a portable folding plastic wig stand. A canvas block wig head is very sturdy and I recommend getting this with T-Pins as well so you can hold the wig in place when it comes to styling the lace wig on the wig stand. If you are traveling or want to save space, you can use the folding plastic wig stand. If you have more than one wig drying, you can have several of these plastic wig stands. They are great for drying your wig because then there's enough space in the inside of the wig.
I highly recommend not just put your wig on the bed or lay it on the couch or on the counter. You don't want your lace wig to start getting tangled and just collecting dust and build up from the air. Put your wig on your wig stand.
Put your lace wig on the wig stand if you plan on wearing it soon. If you do not plan on wearing it soon then definitely put your wig in a plastic bag. The reason why I recommend that is because if you ever go to the beauty supply store, and you see those wigs on mannequins sometimes in the back of the store, they usually look dry and tangled because those wigs have been out all the time. Your lace wig can start collecting dust and buildup if you leave your lace wig on a wig stand without touching, moving, or wearing it for long periods of time. So, I don't recommend keeping it on the wig stand for four or five months. Put it in a put it in a plastic bag so it's protected from the dust and all the elements in the air and the environment. But if you do plan on wearing your lace wig frequently or soon then put it on the wig stand.
Let The Hair Air Dy
Let your hair on the lace wig air dry. Remember you are dealing with 100% virgin hair. This is human hair. Treat it the same way you would treat your actual hair. Constantly adding heat to the hair can weaken and damage the cuticle of the hair over time. Letting the har air dry instead of using a blow dryer can help cut back on the amount of heat you will use on your lace wig.
If you are looking for a lace wig that will last then click here and check out the lace front wigs that are available at Femi S. Hair. Our wigs last at least 1 to 3 years with proper maintenance and care.
I hope these tips help!
If you want more tips, especially when it comes to learning how to make your wig look natural then go ahead and read The Ultimate Lace Melting Guide. In this guide, you will find a series of step by step videos that will help you become an expert in melting your lace and wearing your lace wig with confidence! The videos are filmed in a way where you can follow along step by step and touch on the main stages of melting your lace and having it look as natural as possible.