How much does it cost to install a lace front wig?
How much does it cost to install a lace front wig?
The cost to insatll a lace front wig at a salon can range from $150 dollars to $450+. It can even be higher than $450 and can go all the way up to $600 to$1000 to get a wig installed and there are a couple of factors you have to keep in mind that can have an impact on the cost as well.

Should I bring my own hair?
If your stylist is providing the the lace front wig itself or the bundles needed for your install just be aware that the price to get your hair installed will go up drastically. The stylist will have to factor in the price that they had to pay for the hair, which can raise to service to be around $200-$400+ more.
If you prefer your stylist to provide the hair for you make sure you know that they are using high quality virgin or raw hair so that you know they hair will last.
I would recommend buying your own hair and bringing it to the salon, that way you know exactly where the hair came from and you know you are getting high quality virgin hair installed for your hair style.
Why is the cost to get a lace front wig installed is different for certain salons?
The cost to get a lace front wig installed at one salon might be more or less compared to other salons depending on certain factors:
The Salon Location - If a salon is located in a major city, like New York City for example, that will have a major influence on the cost of the service to get the lace front wig installed.
Because the cost of living is a lot more expensive in major cities, the service cost might be a lot higher than in a rural area where the cost of living is less.
The Stylist Skill Set - If the stylist has a good reputation and is booked most of the time, then most likely their prices are going to be high than the average stylist in that area because thry know there is a high demand for their work.
Be aware, even though a stylist has a good reptation doesn’t mean they will be the right stylist for you.
Pro Tip: I recommend having a consultation first with a potential stylist before booking a full service appointment. That you will know for sure it the stylist you are paying to do you lace front wig install is the right stylist for you.
Maintenance Fees - Also when it comes to the price of the service you also have to remember to factor in the cost to maintain the style. Once you get a wig installed, either if you get it sewn-in on your head using hair thread or if the lace front wig is glued down your hairline, you have to factor in the cost it would be to wash your hair underneath and re-glue your wig down or re-sew your wig down once it starts to get loose every 2-4 weeks.
How to find a Lace Front Wig Install Services Near Me
Thankfully it is very easy to find a stylist that would be able to install a lace front wig for you. The best way is to do a google search. Search “Lace Front Wig Install (name of city)” to see a few salons show up in your area. Take a look at the prices of at least 3 different salons to see which ones are more in the price range you are looking for.

How to find a Good Hairstylist
Once you find a few salons you might consider getting your lace front wig install done at, make sure to check out their past work. Look at pictures on their website and on their instagram to find more current pictures.
Make sure you are satisfied with the skill of the work that was done on past clients. If you don’t think the hair styles look good enough then find a different salon you might be interested in.

Look For Reviews
If you found the salon via Google, then definitely read the reviews. Also you can go as far as searching for the reviews on instagram. If a salon tagged a specific client, DM that client a personally ask how their experience was going to that salon. That way you will know if the salon has an overall good reputation.
NYC Salon vs ATL Salon
Just to show you an example of how prices can range from one salon to the next, especially when the location is taken into account I randomly looked up a salon in NYC and another salon in Georgia.
I found one salon called Hair Inc Atlanta Boutique. The cost for a wig install at their salon was $200. Keep in mind that is without the hair provided. So factor in how much it would cost you to buy the hair as well.
When I searched for a salon in NYC I found a salon called NYC Weave Studio. Their prices for a frontal wig install to start was $450. Remember that is not including the hair itself. To install a wig with a closure in $400.
So you can see prices can range drastically depending on where to salon is located at and depending on the demand for services, and the reputation and skill set of the stylist.
Hope This Helps
so I really hope these tips help you if you are in the midst of trying to find a stylist to install your lace front wig and you're trying to figure out how much you realistically should be paying to get a wig install done.
If you are looking for a virgin lace front wig that you want to use in order to send to your stylist definitely check out the wigs at Femi S. Hair. We provide top grade quality virgin and raw hair for everyday wear.